How much does it cost to sponsor a child?
- Maya Initiative
- 2 years ago
Child sponsorship with Maya Education Initiatives costs $30 per month. Since, MEI is a free education project so all of the donations from the sponsorship goes directly on the expenses of a child needs such as education fee, tiffin, stationery, etc.
How to Sponsor a child?
Maya Education Initiatives works in the poorest region of Nepal. MEI gives children what every child deserves—a healthy start, the opportunity to grow through quality education. We save children’s lives and secure their future and our aim will be in action when we can match sponsors with children in Nepal, to ensure that they receive funding for education. Without sponsorship, these children' will never ever dream of attending the school. By sponsoring a child, you are transforming their future prospects for the better. Sponsors are needed to provide the gift of education to impoverished children.
Sponsors are saving the life and giving the hope to hopeless ones, through the gift of education to children.
Maya Education Initiatives is a free education charity; every penny count and are valuable to children. Give a Dollar a Day to the child with one dollar a child could enjoy healthy Tiffin, school fees, medication and all the school accessories like ties, belts, stationery, etc. So, in a month it cost 30$ per child to sponsor a child in Nepal.
Maya Education Initiatives works in the poorest region of Nepal. MEI gives children what every child deserves—a healthy start, the opportunity to grow through quality education. We save children’s lives and secure their future and our aim will be in action when we can match sponsors with children in Nepal, to ensure that they receive funding for education. Without sponsorship, these children' will never ever dream of attending the school. By sponsoring a child, you are transforming their future prospects for the better. Sponsors are needed to provide the gift of education to impoverished children.
Sponsors are saving the life and giving the hope to hopeless ones, through the gift of education to children.
How much does it cost to sponsor a child?
Maya Education Initiatives is a free education charity; every penny count and are valuable to children. Give a Dollar a day to the child with one dollar a child could enjoy healthy tiffin, school fees, medication and all the school accessories like ties, belts, stationery, etc. So, in a month it cost $30 per child to sponsor a child in Nepal.
How long will my sponsorship last?
Sponsorship is the best ways to save the needy child and more importantly sponsorship is truly effective if it continues for the duration for the child's time at school. Therefore, MEI request sponsors to be committed to sponsoring the child until they graduate their high school, this kind of sponsorship will be a solid foundation to a child's education. Sometimes sponsor financial relationships can last up to 13-15 years, depending on the age of the child at the time of sponsorship, indeed relationship will last for the lifetime.
What will happen when my financial condition goes poor?
If this kind of circumstances arise, where the sponsor is unable to continue their sponsorship we suggest you inform us prior ASAP so the charity can make alternative arrangements.
NOTE: In these kinds of circumstance it's very wise to inform the charity before 3 months or above
Before that time period so it'll be less pressure on the charity to make another arrangement.
What contact will I have with my child?
Child's progress report, health report and other updates will be sent to you through our newsletter on a quarterly basis. Photos, letters, and drawings from the child will be provided to sponsors through email via Maya Education Initiatives social site and emails. Due to some digital mistaken emails and updates may not reach to you on time on that condition you are encouraged to contact info@mayaeducationinitiatives.organd we will serve you with an update ASAP. If you like and have a chance to visit child then also you are encouraged and heartily welcomed by MEI
I want to save a life now by giving the gift of education to a child- what are the next steps?
If you are committed to saving lives or give the gift of education to child please contact us with any remaining quarries OR submit a registration form OR choose the child to sponsor. It is important to note that the cost of schooling varies from -$30 up to grade 5, $35 up to grade 8 and $50 up to grade 12. This might be changed slightly in the future depending on the fluctuation of the exchange rate and school fee rate.
Other Options
We would gladly welcome any sponsors who would like to extend their sponsorship to include a contribution to a saving fund in the times of emergency such as current sponsor leaves a child due to rise up unfavorable financial circumstance or contribute to a saving fund for any medical treatment that the child may require. Please contact us (info@mayaeducationinitiatives.org) for more details.
Frequently asked questions:
When I sponsor a child, where does the fund go i.e. to the family or to Maya Education Initiatives?
Maya Education Initiatives takes care of all the child who ever come into MEI’s family if a problem arises due to of unfavorable financial circumstance of sponsor still MEI looks after the child and every need of a child is fulfilled by MEI. So the fund goes to the MEI Account and in some cases, only MEI gives rare help to child family. Since MEI is committed to giving hope to a child through the gift provided by the sponsor to the child.
What overhead do I pay for?
Maya Education Initiatives charges $30 per month on one on sponsorship. 60% of the fund will be the cost of fees and stationary, 20% for the Tiffin’s, 2% for Medical, 10%for School Dress, 5% for Shoes and remaining 3% is used in administration expenses.
How the sponsorship covers medical bills?
MEI facilitates every single child with a general checkup once a year and sometimes a child might have to go to a hospital and on these rare cases MEI covers the bills. If a big operation is needed MEI will inform the sponsor and might go for extra fund collection but depends upon the case and situation of the health condition of a child.
How can I get the yearly expenses of the charity?
MEI updates income and expenses report yearly with the closing of the fiscal year so every single sponsor will be emailed about the year report of the charity.
Can I contact my sponsor child?
MEI heartily encourage the sponsor to visit sponsored child if possible is not MEI will update the sponsor about the child on a quarterly basis through our digital mechanism via email etc.
Can I send gifts to my child?
Yes, your every gift will encourage the child to have dreams about their future, and he|she will feel more inspired that he|she also has someone to care for. More importantly most of the child in MEI are either orphans, single mother, natural disaster victim’s or extremely poor therefore, this child has never seen fancy gift in their lifetime, so if you send one or send them clothes it will be one of the best days of their life while they receive the gift from you. For more information visit our GIFT CENTER
There is lots of publicity around the misallocation of sponsorship funds, how can I trust or verify the
credibility of this sponsorship programs?
MEI ensures the transparency of every penny that is made expenses on the single overheads, therefore to ensure the transparency MEI updates every sponsor, initiatives and supporter the yearly expenses report made by MEI through income and expenses sheet.
More importantly, MEI team is 100% different to other charities since all the founding members of MEI were raised from the orphanage so everyone knows how the kids feel if they don't get what they ought to get; MEI is established to overcome the rumors and the fact that other charities are not being transparent.
What happens if my sponsored child completes his|her high school or no longer requires my direct support for some reason?
This is the time to congratulate and get happy our child has expanded his | her wings to live in the society and can go ahead by their selves, so at this moment of being proud MEI will contact respective sponsor and will have further talk either to continue in some respects or with other child or to actively give time for the charity by taking some responsibility of MEI board.
How can I make my payments?
Maya Education Initiatives have got different options to make simple and efficient to the sponsors, MEI has PayPal facility, Bank Account Transfer and others. For quarries contact info@mayaeducationinitiatives.org
Can I sponsor other projects if I'm already sponsoring a child?
MEI gladly welcomes your support and trust to us. Likewise, MEI heartily thanks you for being active initiatives of our charity. To sponsor a project chooses the project or Mailto: info@mayaeducationinitiatives.org to sponsor your interesting types of projects.
How can I be on the board of MEI?
If you have time or more importantly every volunteer needs to have heart rather than time, in case if you are positive then you can apply for your locality ambassador of MEI by emailing to info@mayaeducationinitiatives.org
After successive successful five years of competition as Ambassador of MEI you will have opportunists to be a coordinator of MEI and all the coordinators are a board member of MEI.
Can I raise fund for MEI?
Yes, you are encouraged to Raise the Fund for MEI projects or children’s by organizing various kinds of events as:
Mailto: info@mayaeducationinitiatives for more help and ideas about the events.
If I have other question where can I get the answers?
If you have any quarry or confusion please Mailto: info@mayaeducationinitiatives.org
Applying to for a sponsorship form, I like to Sponsor a Child! And save lives!
Please complete the registration form and submit to us or choose the child. We will response ASAP with an acknowledgment and then it will take up to a week to make the arrangements for your sponsorship to commence