Student Detail

Shrwan Phakrin


Shrwan Phakrin is 8 years old and he lost his father and mother in his childhood. For the last 4 years, his father has been contactless and his mother is now 24 years old and has gone to Kuwait for a housemaid job but she is also contactless with the family members. Now, Shrawan is staying with his grandmother in Chhanumber village of Thori Rural Municipality. 

He is studying in class two in MEI School and he is regular in his class. He was taken in MEI in April 2023. 

sponsor a needy child

Namaste! I'm Shrawan Phakrin. I love to study and come to school every day. I like to travel by school bus and it takes around one hour for us to reach school on the bus which we all enjoy and we all friends have lots of fun on the bus. Can you sponsor me for my further studies?